Borrowing money is very hard job, especially with a poor credit history, banks or money lending companies can expect a lot more and we end up repay a fortune. Having said that, lending companies or banks are prepared to take a huge risk by sanction a loan for an applicant with a poor credit history. Therefore beware that the better credit score you have the better interest rate you will get for your loans.
Now, borrowing becomes part of the day today life for anyone, be it a wealthy business person or an average middle class family member or a student; in this day and age even governments are borrowing, so its no shame in doing that but it is if you pay a higher interest when actually you don't need to, because more lenders are available on the market and looking for a honest borrower.
Research the market:
Potential lenders are widely available on the market, do your research by spending more time on comparing the interest rates APR, penalty charges, length of the loan and further conditions. Especially, compare the over all re-payment cost because some lenders are very clever by indicating less monthly repayment but for longer period or by adding additional documentation charges or similar charges; also make sure that you read the term and conditions before apply for any loan, because in some cases if you miss a re-payment, then you will be charged over due fees, collection charges and penalty etc so beware of those conditions.
More importantly, check if you repay the full loan amount during the loan period would there be any additional charges applicable, or how the interest rates will be calculated on that circumstances because it is very important during the loan re-payment period if you avail a cheaper loan from another lender it is wise to settle the expensive one and go for the cheaper option, is in it?
Final suggestion, before you apply for any loan make sure that you have done your research and aware of all related terms and conditions and ready to accept the loan if a lender sanction one because every time you apply for a loan the lender will leave their credit check foot print on your credit history which may reduce your credit score and eligibility.
Good luck with your loan.
Thanks: google pics
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